Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Everything is Rosy!

Hey everyone! 
Today's post is about... ROSES! 

These roses are straight from Costco, but it would be best is you could cut your own from the garden! ;) 

Always trim your roses (Or any of your flowers.) before putting them in the vase.  

I like to trim mine a few inches up the stem at an angle. 

Be sure to remove any dead or ugly leaves and petals! 

Then place them is a pretty vase and enjoy!  

Sunday, January 24, 2016

At a family favorite- La Parrilla Suiza in Phoenix Arizona! Last night in my home state!:(

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Monday, January 18, 2016

Detox Lemon Water!

My "healthy post" today is- Detox Lemon Water! Here's the recipe!-

1 whole lemon
3 cups of WARM* water

*Make sure your water is not hot but is very warm!

What to do!-

Pretty much just make unsweetened lemonade with warm water!
Squeeze the lemon, add the juice to your warm water and grab a yellow straw and drink it down!*

*It's suggested that you drink a glass in the morning and before EVERY meal!:)

Sunday, January 17, 2016


Hey guys just wanted to say that I will be leaving for Arizona tomorrow morning and I might not be very steady with my posts!

Just a Few Photos of My Crazy Life! :)

Ahh... the wonders of mascara.

This is me as a young little thing... no I have not changed much... JK
My inner white girl...

My inner CRAZY.
My inner fangirl... Me and Shawn Camp.

My dog, Scruggs... (Sunbathing)

Yes, he can be a bit odd sometimes 

Me and my sisters... Yes I'm the CUTE baby...


The shoes I REALLY want!

The other shoes I REALLY want!

Keep your head up, beautiful.

My BEAUTIFUL parents!

Christmas gifts I made for my three besties!

My AMAZING parents at Juliet's Wall, in Italy!

Me and my sisters at Juliet's Wall, in Italy!

A beautiful lake in Italy!

Mountains in Germany.
Me and my Beautiful momma!

My AWESOME daddy!


Sunflower and a moon photobomb...

The sky the limit.







A family nickname... Gary.

Beautiful lavender fields of Friday Harbor, Wash.


Italian soda.

My lovely sister... napping in the sun...

The beach.

Scruggs, napping.


My sister holding an orphaned groundhog!

He's my lil' baby!